baby kitten 5 days old

Kitten Growth Chart

The following kitten growth chart can help you learn what to expect each week in your kitten's development. Are you wondering about how fast your kitten is growing? Or do you need to find out...
Cleaning Kitten Teeth

Kitten Teeth: Top Tips for Dental Care

One important aspect of a kitten's health is her dental hygiene. // When it comes to keeping kitten teeth healthy, we've got you covered! Kitten teeth start to grown...
lifespan of a cat

How Long Do Cats Live?

The answer to the question how long do cats live doesn’t have a straightforward answer. // To be very brief, one could say the answer to how long do...
diarrhea in kittens

Diarrhea in Kittens: Common Causes

Diarrhea in kittens can be caused by a variety of factors. While some of the causes themselves are more serious than others, diarrhea itself can be dangerous for kittens. Treatment should...
orphaned kittens

Orphaned Kittens: Urgent Home Care

When caring for orphaned kittens, it is crucial to attend to their needs immediately. // Generally speaking, the older the orphan kittens are, the better chance they have of...

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